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The blonde and fit step mom Cory Chase just loves her new family specially her new step son who is always willing to help her and she in return makes sure he is happy and satisfied sexually. This is a win-win situation for her as her sexual appetites are much higher then her husband’s so her new step son can fill all her needs as he is a young stud that can go whenever she needs it.
Cory is a real hot Milf even as she gets older she keeps fit and she had her breasts done so those tits look like from a 20 year old and combined with her still very active sexual needs this blonde sexy milf needs to have a cock inside her at least once per day and she just loves to feel her son’s cock rise in her mouth as she gives him a sensual blowjob.
Then there is the actual fucking which gets Cory wet just thinking about it. But go check out all the other horny MILFs at that get their sexual needs fulfilled in the family.